Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Questioning Our Audience

Now that we are nearing the end of our trailer completion we decided that it was time to ask our audience what to call our film. We showed them our trailer and gave them a selection of possible titles to choose from. We asked 35 people from our target market and these were the results:

Impossible To Escape: 2
Paranoia: 5
Living In A Nightmare: 9
Nowhere To Run: 14
It's Behind You: 2
Don't Look Back: 3

All of the titles we chose we associated with not being able to get our of a place and the frustration its causes. All the options created some sort of suspence and made it interesting for the target audience. The title of the film is very important as this is what tells the audience what the film is about. It should want to make the viewer want to watch the film.

As you can see the clear favourite within our target audience was Nowhere To Run, so this is what our film will be called! 'Nowhere to run' is a good title because it goes with the theme of the film and we feel as it is inviting to the audience and they will want to see what happens in the film. Nowhere To Run suits the plot of our film because it has a double meaning, one could be that there is 'nowhere to run' from someone who is trying to attack you. Or the other meaning could be that because the girl in our film is paranoid and is imagining she is being followed it could mean that there is 'nowhere to run' from her own imagination because it is always with her. And now we just need to make a logo...

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