Thursday, 12 November 2009

Creating a Logo for M.A.D Productions

We have been looking at various fonts on the internet for possible ones to use for our logo although we are struggling to use the Macs because we are so used to using windows. It is harder to print screen on Macs and they do not have Publisher which makes it harder because Mehveen and I have a good knowledge of using Publisher as we used it throughout our year 12 coursework. In year 12 we also worked on Adobe Fireworks so we thought that we would try to create a logo for our institution on there and see how it looks.

We first created the text and then from our research we have found that most institution logos have a small image to accompany it or an animation. We found an image of a skull and crossbones. We chose this because we thought that it would best suit the ideology of our institution, as we wanted it to have a 'thriller feel' to match our trailer.
This is our finished institution logo, when we added it to IMovie we thought that it needed something more to accompany it. We thought of applying a movement or animation to the logo but instead we used a sound effect. We chose a copyright free sound effect from IMovie which was a coyote howl. We thought this matched the image we are trying to create. The sounds effect can be heard along with the logo when we add our trailer to our blog.

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