Thursday, 12 November 2009

Creating Our Title Font

From our research we found that the title of a film can be very influential to the viewer so it is a very important aspect of a film. Since we have settled on our film title after questioning our audeince we thought that it was now time to create the font that our film title would be shown in.

In our trailer we have a lot of narrative text slides. This suggested to us that we would need a very distinctive font so that it is clear to the audience what is the title of the film and what is narrative text. Again, we used Adobe Fireworks to create the font. At first we were going to create a white font but we thought that red would look better becuase it would make it more differentiated from the other text. Red was also a popular choice between us because it gives the connotation of something to be wary of. Red is usually associated with danger and the word alert. This perfectly represents the ideologies of our film. The red colour also goes with the actual word 'nowhere to run' because it shows the danger the character is in and the trouble coming. The font we chose has a line going through it which is commonly used in signs to symbolise that something is prohibted. This is why we chose the font and colour we did.

This is what we created...

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