Friday, 11 December 2009

Poster analysis and audience feedback

We have been working on our poater for the past week and have almost completed it. We chose to go for a black, white and red colour scheme because from my research I found this was apopular choice for representing the horror/thriller genre. I think the colours really do compliment each other. However the juxtapositions are not final. In order to help my group and I to further this poster I asked 10 people several questions regarding the poster. These are the same people who watched our trailer so they were already aware of the ideologies and theme of the film.

Here are the questions I asked and the answers I recieved:

Do you like the positioning of the text and image? Do they compliment each other?

Most of the audience responded with yes the positioning is good but there is too much going on at the bottom and not enough at the top.

So we thought we should add a tagline at the stop and move all the text and images slightly up.

Are the sizes of the text easy to read?

Majority answered Yes the sizes are fine however it is not obvious who the main character/ actor is of the film.

We like the way the text is in the same font as the trailer.

After gathering that my group and I decided to increase the text size of ‘Abbie Smith’ since her name is also mentioned in the film teaser.

What stand out on the cover/the unique selling point to you?

I found out that what most appealed to the audience was the use of the colour red as that is very frequently used in horror/thriller films to alarm the audience. This is exactly what we wanted and were happy that the audience realised the significance of this colour.

Another comment they made was that the eyes were too bright and needed to be blended more, since they were dominating the page and diverging the concentration from the background image of the trees which is important since many of the scenes of the film teaser were of the forest.

We felt this was very helpful and now will decrease the opacity.

Does the billing block look realistic?

All the people asked answered Yes and they couldn't even tell we had done it ourselves! Pat on the back for us!

Any suggestions?

The suggestions made were to add institution logos, film certificate and release date!

But these were things we already knew we had to do! Just had not gotten round to it yet.

Overall we are all pleased with what we have created and with further alterations hopefully it will end up like we had imagined.

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