Friday, 11 December 2009

Questioning Our Audience

Now that we are coming to the end of producing our film poster for Nowhere To Run, we have decided to question our target audience to make sure our product is appealing to them and to make sure that we haven't missed anything out that is important. First we asked out target audience to watch our teaser trailer and then we showed them our film poster and asked them questions like...

Do you think that the teaser trailer and the poster go well together?
Do you think the both portray the same representation/ideology?
Do you like the main image?
Do you think the poster fits the plot of the film and makes sense?
What do you like about the poster?

The response we got was...

"They do go really well together and you can recognise the same themes and ideologies in both products."
"I think the main image works well because it is very eye catching."
"I like the colour scheme used and it gives the sense of danger."
"After hearing the plot of the story, the poster does make sense, although I like the way the poster suggests different storylines to the viewer."
"I like the background the most, it looks really interesting and creepy."
"I like the red effect on the main image."
"I like the simplicity of the poster and theres not too much going on."
"I think the positioning of some of the things need to be changed."
"You need to add a slogan or tagline to the poster."
"The top of the poster looks a bit empty."

Now that we have gathered this information we can apply it to our poster and be sure that we are targeting our chosen target market. We have to start thinking of a slogan or tagline that would go well with our film because we agree that we do need to incorporate one somewhere on our poster as it is a keycode and convention of film posters.

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