There are pictures of a male teen icon, relates to the target audience.
Medium shot of the model, the celebrity on the cover is a role model for young teens.
Clothes of the model are very feminine, shows the magazine is for girls.
Background is light blue, three main colours, pink, blue and black. These are "younger colours" so it relates to the target audience.
Magazine name is at the top so it stands out, also in black font which makes it bold.
Bar code is in the left hand bottom corner with the issue date above and the website below.
Topics are for a younger audience, they have quizzes which is often found in magazines for young people.
A good start, girls - I would like each of you do conduct individual analysis of 3 front covers, 3 contents pages and 3 dps (double page spreads). Take a look at the sample materials to see how to do this in depth.