Thursday, 24 September 2009


We will be carrying out a questionnaire to help us with the production of our horror trailer. We will ask our target market to know exactly what they want.

1. What is your favourite horror film?
Scream The Exorcist The Ring Jeepers Creepers Creep

This question enables us to use other films to gain inspiration and ideas for our film.

2. What type of horror movies do you like?
Psychological Gory Thriller

We are asking this question to determine what area of horror our film should be about so that appeals to our target audience.

3. What attracts you to horror films?
Actors Storyline Trailer Film Poster Website Magazine

This question shows what is essential for us to put in our own film. Also, what codes and conventions we should follow.

4. What grabs your attention when watching a trailer?
Music Actors Suspense Action Scenes Camera Work

Attracting our audience will be very important for us, when creating our trailer we need to know what scenes we should include so that it draws in our audience.

5. What do think is the most important aspect of a film?

Actors Set/Location Plot Music

This shows us what we should include most of in our own work to appeal to our audience.

6. Have you ever been influenced to watch a film after seeing its poster?
Yes No

This question shows us how important the poster actually is. It may show that we should include more information in the trailer than we should in the poster because it will be more influential.

7. Do you read film magazines?
Yes No

8. Do you watch films after seeing their advertisement in the magazine?
Yes No

This shows us how we should portray our film on the front cover of our magazine.

9. What is the best way to build suspense in a film trailer?
Music Short Scenes Dialogue Long Scenes

This will help us when we are filming and editing because we ill know whether to include short scenes or longer scenes. Also whether silence or music helps build tension more.

10. Do you know the difference between a teaser trailer and theatrical trailers?
Yes No

This will help us decide on the time limit of our trailer as well as the features we must include. Also, the things that set the teaser trailer apart from theatrical trailers.

11. What image would you like to see on a horror film poster?

Actors Location Graphic Images Only Images Only Text

This will help us decide what should be put on the poster that we will create for our movie.

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